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The date of the next quiz is:

21 August 2021

Quiz starts at 1930hrs, but zoom will be open a bit earlier if you want to set up

To play you need to have 2 devices, one to access the Zoom video. This can be accessed by clicking on the link below:


The other device is used to view this website as this is where you will be submitting your answers. Click on the link below to login if you have played before or register if you are a new attendee. On this site, you will be able to complete the quiz answer sheets and submit them.


Please be logged in and ready to start at 1930hrs. Can't wait to see you!

The Small Print

Please be aware that all quizzes are recorded for security and marketing purposes.
You are giving permission to use any footage we obtain by having your camera and microphone live and taking part in the quiz.

Please note your Zoom Screen name should match the name you register as your Team Name. If it currently does not match, you can change it once you have logged into Zoom.

By making your camera live you are giving us consent to 'spotlighting' you, meaning you will be seen/heard by other people watching the quiz.

Recording the quiz is strictly prohibited, however by having your microphone and camera live, you indemnify the Quiz team
against any liability whatsoever in the event that your likeness, name (which may show on screen) or voice is recorded by a third party.